Class Descriptions
Gentle Class Options - All Gentle classes combine strengthening and stretching, but different classes emphasize different aspects of a Gentle practice. Gentle classes are for students who prefer an easy-going class or for those with some physical limitations. Students explore body awareness, moving with the breath and specific alignment principles which can address the limitations of the students in the class.
Gentle/Strength - focuses on muscle awareness and intentional engagement to help promote physical tenacity.
Gentle / Beginner - for students who prefer an easy-going class. Students explore body awareness, moving with the breath and specific alignment principles which can address the limitations of the students in the class. The class will focus on stretching overly tight muscles and strengthening core muscles. All bodies and levels of experience welcome.
Gentle / Stability - emphasizes strengthening the core and muscles surrounding joints to promote joint stability while stretching.
Lunch Hour Gentle Flow - This Viniyoga-inspired class is true to the meaning of its ancient Sanskrit name: the prefixes vi and ni plus yoga implies differentiation, adaptation, and appropriate application. The class always begins in a simple neutral position with a focus on the breath and how the breath affects the spine. Breath then becomes the medium for movement in asana and may be adapted to produce different effects. In movement, flow is achieved through repetition into and out of the postures, as well as holding postures, with an emphasis on function over form to meet the unique conditions, needs, and interests of the students. The sequencing of the postures is intelligently designed and adapted to manifest an intention, progress from easy to difficult and simple to complex, to achieve different results, and bring balance to the body by working through all directions of movement over time.
Advanced Yogi Playtime - A fun and inspiring class for advanced Hatha Yogis. This energetic class will include challenging poses and sequences.
All Levels Flow - an evenly-paced flow of postures that builds strength, steadiness, flexibility, and intelligence in your practice. Each class begins with a focus for the practice – whether it be anatomy, mindfulness, or a philosophical guideline – and a simple breathing exercise. Students can then expect a thorough warm-up, attention to moving with the breath, flowing transitions between poses, and an emphasis on good alignment. Each class concludes with a few long-held seated or reclined poses, followed by relaxation. Best for students with some prior yoga experience and free of major injuries.
All Levels Hatha - A class which incorporates breathing exercises, alignment, physical postures and relaxation. Instructor offers variations throughout class so that progressive beginners, intermediate students, and seasoned yogis may cultivate greater body awareness while safely moving through poses best suited to their needs.
Beginner Flow - A Beginning level class which incorporates breathing exercises coordinated with physical postural sequences. Class concludes with relaxation. Suitable for brand new students or for students who prefer a more basic level practice.
Beginner Hatha - A Beginner level class which incorporates breathing exercises, alignment, physical postures and relaxation to open, stretch and strengthen the body. Suitable for new students or for continuing students who prefer a more basic level practice.
Healthy Back Yoga - A healthy spine and balanced hips provide us with less back & hips pain and deeper breathing. This practice is designed to open and strengthen your hips while bringing alignment, strength and balance to your spine. The poses will include lengthening spine, deep twisting, strengthening Core, hip openers and finish with fascial release in the back, hips and diaphragm. A Bonus impact of this approach is a recharged immune & nervous system! For all levels of Yogis (Mixed)
Intermediate Flow - A slow flowing class that focuses on deepening breath and awareness as well as improving structural and subtle alignment while moving deeper into postures and exploring more challenging poses. Focus is on the breath as a vehicle to move between poses.
Intermediate Hatha - This challenging class focuses on deepening breath and structural and muscular awareness while improving physical and subtle alignment. We will move deeply into postures and explore more challenging poses.
Restorative Yoga - In this 60-minute restorative yoga practice, one will practice BEing by opening their body and mind. For an hour, you have one task - to BE present as you reduce stress, release tension, and connect with the breath. As you practice, music, stories, poetry, or silence may be offered.
Restorative yoga uses props (such as: blankets, bolsters, straps, blocks, etc.) to support the body in different poses so you can let go. Poses are held for 3-10 minutes depending on the pose.
Yin Yoga - Yin poses provide an opening and release of connective tissue in all areas of the body. These poses are particularly beneficial when healing from a injury, surgery, or just the stresses of life. Therapeutic stretching and release of connective tissue allows for greater strength and flexibility of muscles and joints. Some level of Yoga experience helpful, though, not required.
Zoom Kundalini - In Kundalini Yoga we harness the mental, physical, and nervous energies of the body and put them under the domain of the will, which is the instrument of the soul. This technology precisely and consciously combines breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, body locks, and postures to balance the glandular system, strengthen the nervous system, expand lung capacity, and purifiy the blood. It brings balance to the body, mind, and soul. Zoom link will be sent by instuructor.